Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And it begins...

Got the first clue for the Mystery Afghan Crochet-Along. Can't wait to get started... even though I can tell from looking at the pattern exactly what it will look like. A nice simple sc/dc pattern. I do have to start off with a swatch first. I'll post my progress on that later, I just wanted to post about the clue right away. :D

Free Crochet Pattern of the Day: Undercover Bookmarker

On the hook: Winter hat

Days til Christmas: 94

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”- Romans 15:7

1 comment:

Posh Pooch Designs said...

Hello, I found you through the "Crochet Calendar 100+" I am in it too. Great blog.this is mine I
Sara Sach fellow crocheter